

The New Story Is

The New Story Is explores the shared stories and narratives that shape our time, for better or for worse. Featuring interviews with authors, entertainers and experts, join host Dave Ursillo as we search for stories that may change our collective future, for the good.


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Caring with Kat Vellos

Caring with Kat Vellos

Author Kat Vellos understands why it feels hard to care today. In our interview, she says we have to care about outcomes even more, not less.

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Facing Civilization Collapse like a Warrior

Margaret Wheatley is a best-selling author who has trained leaders and help build communities for 50 years. Today, she’s preparing leaders for civilization collapse. Whoa. What happened?

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About the Show

From news headlines to trending topics on social media and everyday conversations, collective stories rooted in distrust, cynicism, and hopelessness seem to be perpetuating more of themselves in modern society.

  • Where are these stories coming from?
  • What is our individual and collective responsibility in telling them?
  • In the face of such big narratives, how do we begin to change the tide?
  • What we do want our new stories to become?

Join us for conversations with authors, entertainers, and thought leaders from all backgrounds as we explore the new stories that may change our collective future, for the good.

About Your Host

Dave Ursillo

Dave Ursillo

Host of 'The New Story Is'

Dave Ursillo (DaveUrsillo.com) loves conversation, meaningful dialogues, and, most of all, a good story.

Fascinated since high school with the narratives, ideas, and beliefs that shape individual identities and whole societies alike, Dave’s love of stories led him to study politics, social sciences, history, psychology, and beyond, with career experiences bringing him to the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) in 2008 and working as a body man to a gubernatorial candidate in 2009.  

Today, as the host of The New Story Is podcast, Dave invites interviewees from all walks of life to critique some of the shared stories of our time—and, to illuminate some alternative narratives that may serve our world, for the good. 

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We don’t just value your feedback, we crave it.  Send us your thoughts, suggestions, constructive criticism, or suggest a future guest (even yourself!). Thank you for sharing with us.